Google Sheets

Change Cell Color in Google Sheets: A Step-by-Step Guide

Color-coding cells in Google Sheets boost visual sorting and highlight crucial data. This article describes various techniques for applying colors to cells, making it easier to organize your spreadsheets.

Color-coding cells in Google Sheets boosts visual sorting and highlights crucial data. This article describes various techniques for applying colors to cells, making it easier to organize your spreadsheets. Let's discuss various methods to change cell color in Google Sheets in this article, providing step-by-step guidance to enhance your spreadsheet's visual appeal.

Manual Coloring

  • Select the cell(s): Click on the cell or drag your mouse to select multiple cells.
  • Change the color: Click on the "Fill color" icon in the toolbar (it looks like a paint bucket). Choose your desired color from the palette that appears.

Conditional Formatting

  • Select your range: Highlight the cells you want to format.
  • Open Conditional Formatting: Click on ‘Format’ in the menu, then select ‘Conditional formatting’.
  • Set the rule: Under the “Format cells if” dropdown, choose the condition that must be met for the formatting to apply (e.g., "Cell is not empty").
  • Choose a color: Click on the “Formatting style” and select the fill color you want. Click "Done" to apply the rule.

Using Google Apps Script

  • Open the script editor: Click on ‘Extensions’, then ‘Apps Script’.
  • Write a simple script and run the script: Click the play button to execute your script and change the color.
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