Bank Coordinates Checker

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Get all the information about Banks - Institution number, branch information, Swift codes and more!
Where is the bank located?


How long does sending payment to the US, EU, UK, or Australia take?
You can send real-time payments directly to your suppliers’ bank accounts in the EU and UK. For Australia and US, it typically takes less than one business day.
If there is no wire fee - are there other hidden fees?
Absolutely not. There are no hidden service or transaction fees with Finofo. Why pay unnecessarily?
Can I open unique accounts anywhere in the world?
Yes, you can open your own bank accounts in all major markets once you sign up on Finofo. Bonus: these accounts can be used for receivables as well plus the Finofo sign up is super easy.
I have suppliers in Europe. Can I send payments to them using Finofo?
Of course! You can send real-time payments to your supplier’s account from your Finofo Euro account effortlessly.
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Using a Bank?

Here’s what your Finance team endures — experience their pain.
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Working with an FX Broker?

Are they really looking out for your best interests? Understand the trade-offs.
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Using other Fintechs?

Are they truly solving your needs? Compare and see the difference.