Retail & Wholesale

Unbox faster growth with Finofo

Finofo helps you expand beyond borders with ease.
Streamline supplier payments
Real-time payments from your local accounts that eliminate wire fees.
Automate Accounts Payable
Get rid of manual work to build payment templates on your banking platform. Access ERP sync to pull ready to pay bills and post transactions back to the accounting system.
Exchange rates your bank can’t match
Boost your bottom line with Finofo's superior technology. Enjoy better exchange rates and streamline your financial operations, saving both time and money.
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Using a Bank?

Here’s what your Finance team endures — experience their pain.
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Working with an FX Broker?

Are they really looking out for your best interests? Understand the trade-offs.
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Using other Fintechs?

Are they truly solving your needs? Compare and see the difference.